10 gennaio 2013

InNOvative paintbrushes.

Paintbrush as all artificats always develops its form, becomes adapted to more specialized problems (corners, paint kinds etc.). But sometimes, as says Henry Petroski, among his different debations, in his book 'The evolution of useful things', form doesn't follows function, but starts to follow fashion. Reffering to words of Viollet-le-Duc who comparing vase and it's evolution, shows 'how the form can change first for the better and then for the worse', what fashion makes with present objects. 
 Nowadays the painbrushes rather keep its'  form since centeries and eventually change materials for more demanding liquids like solvents, varnishes etc.  However form of art paintbrushes don't change much, don't get useless decorations or deformations, what could be consider as a kind of love for this traditional tool, used, as it is now, by famous painters. 

7 gennaio 2013

Conceptual map.

Painted dreams.

Paintbrush meaning in dreams:

-Sexually-erotic symbol, unambiguously refering to strong sexual desires

- to see a painbrush:
  you will meet a blockhead who you'd prefer to avoid

-to paint:
 you should be focus on things you do, not paying attention what others say

Paintbrush of death.

Martial art 'baguazhang' uses techniqe called 'paintbrushes of death' which name comes from ancient China where they used a specific paintbrush firming death sentences.

Deadly sins

Paintbrush in deadly sins:

luxuria - wish of being the best artist, having the best talent, to get a lot of money for works

gula -  its function in kitchen as a tool to cover pastry by egg etc.

acedia - a paintbrush could be rather a symbolic opposite, considering  all his properties. It's always present kind of activity, creativity etc.

ira - paintbrush as a tool causing artistic battle between talented artists (for example between Modgliani and Picasso)

invidia - jealousy of being worse painter and lower positing by itself

superbia - pride of having talent that noone else can raise. As the simple example I'd point on Dali, who never doubted his genius in front of mortals


Seven deadly sins - Hieronim Bosch

In nature.

The name 'paintbrush' was assigned to two popular in their places flowers:

Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja)

The flower is a state symbol of Wyoming

'The Paintbrush evoked the Native American legend of a young brave who tried to paint the sunset with his warpaints. Frustrated that he could not match the brilliance of nature, he ask for guidance from the Great Spirit. The Great Spirit gave him paintbrushes laden with the colors he so desired. With these, he painted his masterpiece and left the spent brushes in fields across the landscape. These brushes sprouted the flowers we now so wonderfully love!'

Devil's Paintbrush (Pilosella aurantiaca)

'Devil's paintbrush earns its name from its brilliant color and prolific reproduction; it is a highly visible and extremely pesky weed that can overcome croplands and irritate farmers.'